He Can Still Be a Hero!! (BNHA Episode 2)

That's it, Deku will always be the best boy.

I love him.


Okay, fangirl moment over.

Let's get serious.

So, it turns out that All Might isn't all might, if you know what I mean.

Seriously, how do you go from this



... He looks like a bum.

Anyway, Deku finally gets his big question answered by his childhood hero.

To which All Might responds,

You can almost pinpoint the exact second his heart gets shattered.

BUT I really think Deku might have been able to prove a bit of his worth in this episode.

Due to All Might's negligence, he'd accidentally dropped the soda bottle that had contained the Sludge Monster (is that his name?? I'm not sure). This bottle happens to make it's way to Bakugo of all people, and the same thing that almost happened to Deku happens to him.

Bakugo gets overtaken by the monster, thus leaving him powerless and giving the monster an extreme advantage against the heroes of the city. Literally no one helps him because his Quirk is too powerful.

Not even All Might could step in, since his transformation could only last for a limited amount of time.


(I just thought it'd be easier to show you instead of describing it)

Despite how cliche it is, I really love the whole "normal person becomes a superhero" trope, especially when it's displayed so emotionally like in BNHA.

This guy knows in his mind that he can't really do anything since he doesn't have a Quirk to fight him off with. Yet he actually had the balls to run into the scene with no battle armor, no kind of reinforcements, no planning, and just starts trying his best to get Bakugo out of the slime monster.

Even though Bakugo bullied him.

Despite that, he actually still wanted to save him.


Even though all those thoughts were going through his head he still managed to smile, though it was mainly out of fear.

It wasn't too long until the monster had gotten fed up and tried to swat Deku away. Luckily All Might had transformed in time to save both Deku and Bakugo.

According to All Might, this is how a hero's story starts. At the end of the episode Deku (who is also the narrator) tells the audience:

If that isn't the most obvious foreshadowing ever, I don't know what is.

Deku is most likely going to get his Quirk soon. However, the doctor told him in the first episode that it should have kicked in by the time he turned four. Maybe it's a rare fluke in his DNA?

If you liked this post and want to see more, feel free to subscribe to my blog so you can be notified each time I post! And remember to check out my website when you have the chance :) There's a BNHA collection there just for you guys.

Link: itsananimething.com


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