Anyone Watched "Vampire Knight"?
I think I've watched the first five episodes so far. Aside from the simplistic shoujo main character and the over-dramatic pausing when they speak, the anime itself is pretty good.
I found the opening kind of stupid when I watched the first episode, mainly because it's about the main character running away from something, but then you realize later on that the main character has PTSD from when she was like five-years old. They show what happened to her in the first episode, but they show the signs of PTSD throughout the episodes.
And it's not like I don't like the main character, it's just that I don't like the fact that she has a stereotypical shoujo personality. She also depends too much on the main men in the show. So far I haven't seen her actually fight when the time came, even though she almost got eaten three times. The right person just happened to be in the area when she was in danger, and it was usually either of the two main men.
I also hate the fact that the vampire guy, who has incredibly good looks and is a pure-blooded vampire, is so utterly "in love" with the main girl to the point where she's apparently the only thing he cared about. Everyone asks him why he likes her so much and he says, "There's no one like her."
Like bruh you got girls coming at you left and right, most with more personality and better looks than the main girl, but no. You have to choose to be "in love" with the fucking shoujo -_-
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