What Would You Wish For? (PMMM Episode 2 Review)

In this episode we (or rather I since I think I came into this fandom pretty damn late πŸ˜…) found out more about Magical Girls and how they contribute to the well-being of humanity, as well as what sort of bullshit ensues when a witch is around.

It seems that things like suicide and car crashes are usually caused by witches πŸ€” A demonstration of such is shown near the end of the episode where Madoka and Sayaka accompany Mami on a witch-hunt. 

By the way, do all witches look like giant plant monsters?? I find that a little weird πŸ˜…

(Look at how cute she is~! Don't you want to hug her???)

Why the hell was Hitomi acting so weird? Like because of the fact that her two friends are suddenly whispering and standing next to each other more she automatically assumes that they're together??

And then she says "Girls can't love girls!"

Like what's so wrong with that? You should be happy for them you... weird person πŸ˜‘ 

I have the assumption that maybe she thinks she might have fallen for a girl but her parents are homophobes so she's feeling guilty about it (which is stupid but whatever)

Anyway, I'm really wondering what Madoka will be wishing for when she becomes a magical girl πŸ€”

There must be something really dangerous about being a magical girl that Homura came and attacked Kyubey to prevent him from contacting Madoka. 

Everyone kept using the line, "If there was something you wanted, would you trade your life for it?"

This means that becoming a magical girl is a life-binding contract, and that there's most likely serious consequences if you were to break the contract.

Which brings my Question of the Day, 

If you had the chance to wish for anything you wanted, what would you wish for?

Well, that's all I have for today! See you next time!


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