My Top 5 Least Favorite Anime Characters

We all have the ones we love, and the ones we just wish the creators would kill off. Here's mine :)

1. Ichiru Kiryu
100% hate this guy with a passion.

"My brother was the only one that looked at me."

Boo hoo, asshole. I seriously don't give a fuck how he felt about being the weak twin. Like if you felt so bad about your parents treating you as if you're weak (which it really didn't look like to me), you should be happy that your brother is even giving you the time of day. He could've chosen to just ignore you like your parents supposedly did instead of treating you as an equal.

And I can't believe he actually felt bad enough to the point where he helped Shizuka kill his family?? Like damn, what a selfish little brat.

2. Yuki Kuran
I could give less fucks about her, but it seems as if I don't have any left.

This girl had almost no personality, and she's so fucking naive.

I kind of feel as if she was used more as a plot device rather than a main character. Just there to make the main males look more heroic.

She wouldn't even defend herself when she was in danger?? She had a weapon with her at all times, so why didn't she use it? Instead, she just waited until either Kaname or Zero came to save her.

3. Tsukiyama Shuu

I mean, at times I do find him a little attractive, so I can see why a part of the fandom likes him. BUT HE'S SO FUCKING CREEPY

4. Sayaka Miki
I have more of a love-hate thing with this girl.

Trust me, I love her character, I just hate the fact that she wasted her wish. The cause was fine, but it was the fact that she made it during a time where she was feeling upset because her crush basically told her to get lost.

In life you really shouldn't make decisions when you're in a state of any kind of stress. Those things usually turn out bad. In reality I think she had the intention in the back of her mind that she wanted to make the wish so that her crush wouldn't have any reason to be upset with her. Kyosuke got angry at her because she would come almost every day to have him listen to classical music, which bothered him because his injury didn't allow him to play music anymore.

So I just really don't like the fact that she made her wish during a time of stress, AND she wasted it on a boy that she thought she loved. In the end, he got with her friend instead. So she basically traded her soul for no god damn reason.

5. Atsuko Kagari
I mean, she's cute and everything most of time, but I find her kind of annoying.

She makes this whole speech about how she's going to dedicate herself to being a witch despite the fact that she's human, BUT SHE NEVER EVEN PREPARED HERSELF!

She didn't even bother to study the basics. And even though she's been at Luna Nova for who nows how long, she still doesn't know how to ride a broom.

BUT I do like the determination she has to succeed, I just wish she'd use it at all times instead of when she feels like it.

So, who are your least favorite characters?


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