So I got back to reading a few more chapters for "Gangsta", and I've gotta ask: Is every Twilight attractive? Because I've been introduced to two more of these guys and I'm not sure which I like more. I mean, it's one thing to be attractive, but if you're attractive AND badass it's like "okay take me now plz" We've already got Nic (Who will always be my favorite) This dude named Delico (My new crush bc holy shiiit) And this tiny guy with dreads (idk what his name is) I just can't believe Delico is a D/0 rank. He was able to hold his own, but was definitely no match for the little dude. He was just slicing the shit out of everyone like it was nothing. And is it just me, or does seeing how quick and incredibly agile they are make you want to be a Twilight? The little dude had the upper hand until Nic came. He was about to slice his ass and the little guy was like "Oh shit" 😂😂 ...